Tuesday 15 May 2012

Random angst and some thinspiration

First there is just some random angst of mine and then there are the pretty thinspiration pictures.

Today's intake about 800 calories, but still I feel an empty feeling in my stomach, I really like it it's rather relaxing, even if I feel a bit dizzy. Tomorrow I'll do even better.

Saturday 5 May 2012

Good day, but I just don't think I really fit in...

Today I had quite a good day, I only ate 4 pieces of bread and some tuna with it, other than than 5 mandarins, I counted that all together it makes 670 calories. I'm staying at my friends, so I can't really eat that much, since it isn't my food. Even though I feel quite proud of how little I ate, it kinda gets me down when my friend looks horrified at you like"omg you ate that much", when I say I ate 4 pieces of bread...but I haven't really eaten anything else, no warm food or anything...am I really such a major fat-ass....

Well I'm hoping that the next I go to the gym I can see some improvement.

We went to watch Titanic 3D, I was quite skeptical about it 'cause I didn't think they could really turn it to a good 3D-movie. But it was actually quite good, and the movie was as great as ever, though I noticed few things that


"Resist the temptation to take a nap after a large meal. If you stay awake a few hours longer and take a 20 minute walk, your body will use some of the extra calories for energy instead of storing them as fat."

Friday 4 May 2012

I'm seeing red..

Yesterday morning, I suddenly had a nosebleed, so now I've started to eat all sorts of vitamins etc, since my daily food take isn't so big. It feels stupid, that every time I eat just a bit less I start getting nosebleeds...

Yesterday, was quite a fail since I went to a Chinese buffet, so I ate a lot more than I should have, but other than that...I only ate a bread and a carrot. ; D

And we walked at the city for 4 hours and went to few shops and to a flea market(it was 5 km far) So at least we got some good exercise and I got myself a belt, a skirt and a bit different red hair color.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

First Day

Today was kind of a lazy day. I was feeling kind of depressed so I just layed on my bed the whole day while being on computer. Slowly I feel like I'm falling apart inside...people are just tearing me apart so they can heal....

 I did go to gym this evening, I cycled for 25 mins and used the basic gym equipment rest of the time. I was there more than an hour. At least I did something. Tomorrow I decided I'll go running and visit the gym. And I'll go buy some weights for myself and carrots for lunch.
something to look forward

Today's eatings:
Breakfast         - a bun.....+cup of green tea, with half spoon of honey
Lunch              - a croissant + cup of green tea, with half spoon of honey (quite a feast, huh?)
Dinner             - chicken casserole + half a plate of salad + glass of milk
Supper            - bread roll with chili + cup of white tea, with half spoon of honey

+ a lot of water during the day

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Start Thinspo- strength for weight loss

I started blogging to help me keep my focus on losing weight and to maybe find people who think alike in some things. This blog won't be only of losing weight it'll also be about many other beautiful things. I personally don't think everyone should be thin, some people look gorgeous, when they have big curves. I just think that at least for me, I'd only look pretty if I'm thin. I have such big cheeks, that even if I'm just normal weight I look ugly, so I really need to lose a bit of weight to get a bit more delicate features.
Since I spend a lot of time on internet, it's easier for me to write in English, even though it's not my native language, you can tell me if I make some awful writing mistakes.

So I decided to do a thinspo, to start with, so I can really set my mind to losing weight.