Monday, 11 June 2012

Joyful summer and 'lovely' people

I've been living at my dad's house for a few days now and it's more comfortable than I imagined. Though yesterday I came home quite late so my dad was furious over it since I hadn't informed him in any way. I agree I was at fault, but I am not really used to the fact that people are waiting for me. His girlfriend told me that, he was actually thinking of giving me a crack of the whip. I started thinking, that if he'd actually try to do that I'd truthfully tell him that, if he'd do that I'd march to the police station and make a report out of him. Even if it'd mean that he'd throw me out of the house.

Today I got a nice little lecture from my dad's girlfriend, of how I seem to be so lazy, and always running from work, and how I care about nothing or no one, how I don't have any direction in life and all other crap. I'm feeling so happy at the moment...

She came to make sure I didn't upset myself and explained how she was just worried of me 'cause she wants what's best for me. And she wanted to have a chat with me 'cause she didn't think anyone else really tried to help me. She felt like she had to do something.
She'd probably tell me what a piece of shit I am if she knew all my depression shits and all the stupid things I've done.
I'm guessing she actually really cares about me, but it just pisses me of that she thinks so lowly of me...

Nice day and all~
...sorry for the essay...


  1. Enköhän mä jaksa, oon aina ennenkin jaksanut.
    Kiitoksia onnitteluista, enköhän mä pääse, tai tottapuhuen pääsin papereilla suoraan yhteen yliopistoon, mutten vaan tiiä vielä haluunko sinne...
    Tsemppiä sulle, ja oon samaa mieltä että isäsi naisystävä oikeesti välittää susta. Hän ei ehkä vaan ihan tarkalleen tiedä miten pitää huolta susta astumatta kenenkään varpaille ja ilman että sä alkaisit inhota sitä..

  2. Haaste blogissani! <3
